The Driver ID (PIN) code for fueling is located in the "What to do in case..." packet provided in each vehicle.
Drivers will use their regular NetID and password. Do not include in the NetID.
As long as you have the confirmation number and an Agile profile you can pick up the vehicle. Anyone with an Agile profile can return a vehicle.
Use the provided WEX Fuel Card, similar to other filling stations.
University vehicles that are dispatched as a Daily or Seasonal reservation do not need a parking pass - vehicles may be parked in General Staff parking spaces on campus.
University vehicles that are dispatched on a yearly basis will need to coordinate with ISU Parking for a parking pass.
Drivers’ vehicles are not required to have a permit on their dash to park in Lot 110. Additional passengers may pick up a parking pass at the UTS dispatch desk for Lot 112N.
The responsibility of paying for tolls is with the customer. All tolls should be paid as you pass them. If we get a ticket in the mail stating you missed some tolls, we do require that you pay them online or via mail.
The fuel cards that each vehicle has have a maximum usage limit for daily use. When you're going on long distance trips, please let us know if you think you will need to fuel more often than normal so we can temporarily increase the limit.
Yes, vehicles that are returned having not been refueled are subject to a $25.00 refueling fee.
Please visit our training website to answer some questions regarding your unique situation.
Final billing reports can be found on the Reservation Report in Agile FleetCommander under "My Schedule". Select "All Requests", then click on the blue/green square next to the reservation you need. Alternatively, they can be found on Workday after the end of the month.
Reservations must be cancelled with 24 hours notice, otherwise a 1 day charge for the vehicle will be charged to your account.
Only for yearly pick-ups and picking up vehicles in for maintenance. Rentals through the kiosk system will utilize the user's netID and password for verification.
Yes, you need to bring the keys to the vehicle along with the current (ending) mileage and parking stall number for the vehicle. Returns will be dispatched in through the kiosk and a three-minute kiosk training video is available.
Please visit our First Time Drivers page for more information!
Please call our dispatch office at (515) 294-1882 option 1. We will do our best to find it! Items left with us over 3 months ago will be turned in to ISU Surplus.